Users Guide

Figure 59: EAP_TLS General Tab
Table 51:
EAP_TLS General Tab
Parameter Description
Name/Description Freeform label and description.
Type In this context, always EAP_TLS.
Caches EAP-TLS sessions on Policy Manager for reuse if the user/client reconnects to Policy
Manager within the session timeout interval.
Session Timeout How long (in hours) to retain cached EAP-TLS sessions.
Specify whether to perform an authorization check.
Type of certificate comparison (identity matching) upon presenting Policy Manager with a
client certificate:
l To skip the certificate comparison, choose Do not compare.
l To compare specific attributes, choose Compare Common Name (CN), Compare Subject
Alternate Name (SAN), or Compare CN or SAN.
l To perform a binary comparison of the stored (in the client record in Active Directory or
another LDAP-compliant directory) and presented certificates, choose Compare Binary.
Verify Certificate
using OCSP
Select Optional or Required if the certificate should be verified by the Online Certificate Status
Protocol (OCSP). Select None to not verify the certificate.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 117