Users Guide

When you click Add New Authentication Source from any of these locations, Policy Manager displays the Add page.
Figure 70: Add Authentication Source Page
Depending on the Authentication Source selected, different tabs and fields appear. Refer to the following:
l "Generic LDAP or Active Directory " on page 129
l "Kerberos " on page 140
l "Generic SQL DB " on page 141
l "Token Server " on page 145
l "Static Host List " on page 147
l "HTTP" on page 148
Generic LDAP or Active Directory
Both LDAP and Active Directory based server configurations are similar. At the top level, there are buttons to:
n Clear Cache: Clears the attributes cached by Policy Manager for all entities that authorize against this server.
n Copy: Creates a copy of this authentication/authorization source.
The Generic LDAP and Active Directory authentication sources contain three tabs:
General Tab
The General tab labels the authentication source and defines session details.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 129