Users Guide

Parameter Description
Backup Servers
To add a backup server, click Add Backup. When the Backup 1 tab appears, you can specify
connection details for a backup server (same fields as for primary server, specified below).
To remove a backup server, select the server name and click Remove. Select Move Up or
Move Down to change the server priority of the backup servers. This is the order in which
Policy Manager attempts to connect to the backup servers if the primary server is unreachable.
Primary Tab
The Primary tab defines the settings for the primary server.
Figure 72: Generic LDAP or Active Directory (Primary Tab)
Table 59:
Generic LDAPor active Directory (Primary Tab)
Parameter Description
Host Name/Port l Hostname or IP address of the LDAP or Active Directory server.
l TCP port at which the LDAP or Active Directory Server is listening for connections.
(The default TCP port for LDAP connections is 389. The default port for LDAP over SSL
is 636).
Connection Security l Select None for default non-secure connection (usually port 389)
l Select StartTLS for secure connection that is negotiated over the standard LDAP port.
This is the preferred way to connect to an LDAP directory securely.
l Select LDAP over SSL or AD over SSL to choose the legacy way of securely
connecting to an LDAP directory. Port 636 must be used for this type of connection.
Bind DN/Password Distinguished Name (DN) of the administrator account. Policy Manager uses this account
to access all other records in the directory.
NOTE: For Active Directory, the bind DN can also be in the administrator@domain
format (e.g.,
Password for the administrator DN entered in the Bind DN field.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 131