Users Guide

Parameter Description
authentication source the user or device was authenticated against.
Backup Servers To add a backup kerberos server, click Add Backup. When the Backup 1 tab appears, you can
specify connection details for a backup server (same fields as for primary server, specified
To remove a backup server, select the server name and click Remove. Select Move Up or
Move Down to change the server priority of the backup servers. This is the order in which
Policy Manager attempts to connect to the backup servers.
Primary Tab
The Primary tab defines the settings for the primary server.
Figure 81: Kerberos (Primary Tab)
Table 67:
Kerberos (Primary Tab)
Parameter Description
Hostname/Port Host name or IP address of the kerberos server, and the port at which the token server listens
for kerberos connections. The default port is 88.
Realm The domain of authentication. In the case of Active Directory, this is the AD domain.
Service Principal
The identity of the service principal as configured in the Kerberos server.
Service Principal
Password for the service principal.
Generic SQL DB
The Generic SQL authentication source contains four tabs. Three of the tabs are used to configure primary and
backup servers, session details, and the filter query and role mapping attributes to fetch. The Summary tab provides a
summary of the configuration.
For a configured Generic SQLDB authentication source, buttons on the main page enable you to:
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 141