Users Guide

Configure Filter Popup
The Configure Filter popup defines a filter query and the related attributes to be fetched from the SQL DB store.
Figure 94: HTTP Filter Configure Popup
Table 79:
HTTP Configure Filter Popup
Parameter Description
Filter Name Name of the filter
Filter Query A SQL query to fetch the attributes from the user or device record in DB
Name / Alias
Name / Data Type
/ Enabled As
Name: This is the name of the attribute
Alias Name: A friendly name for the attribute. By default, this is the same as the attribute
Data Type: Specify the data type for this attribute, such as String, Integer, Boolean, etc.
Enabled As: Specify whether value is to be used directly as a role or attribute in an
Enforcement Policy. This bypasses the step of having to assign a role in Policy Manager
through a Role Mapping Policy.
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 151