Users Guide

160 Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide
Table 83:
Add Local User
Parameter Description
User ID/
Freeform labels and password.
Uncheck to disable this user account.
Role Select a static role for this local user.
Attributes Add custom attributes for this local user. Click on the “Click to add... row to add custom attributes.
By default, four custom attributes appear in the Attribute dropdown: Phone, Email, Sponsor,
Designation. You can enter any name in the attribute field. All attributes are of String datatype. The
value field can also be populated with any string. Each time you enter a new custom attribute, it is
available for selection in Attribute dropdown for all local users.
NOTE: All attributes entered for a local user are available in the role mapping rules editor under the
LocalUser namespace.
Additional Available Tasks
l To edit a local user, in the Local Users listing page, click on the name to display the Edit Local User popup.
l To delete a local user, in the Local Users listing page, select it (via the check box) and click Delete.
l To export a local user, in the Local Users listing page, select it (via the check box) and click Export.
l To export ALL local users, in the Local Users listing page, click Export Users.
l To import local users, in the Local Users listing page, click Import Users.