Users Guide

For each selected plugin, the Preferences tab contains a list of fields that require entries.
In many cases, these fields will be pre-populated. In other cases, you must provide information required for the
operation of the plugin.
By way of example of how plugins use this information, consider a plugin that must access a particular service, in
order to determine some aspect of the client’s status; in such cases, login information might be among the
preference fields.
Figure 184: Nessus Scan Profile Configuration (Preferences Tab)
Upon saving the profile, plugin, and preference information for your new (or modified) plugin, you can go to the
Primary/Backup Servers tabs and select it from the Scan Profile drop-down list.
Post-Audit Rules
The Rules tab specifies rules for post-audit evaluation of the request to assign a role.
Figure 185: All Audit Server Configurations (Rules Tab)
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 215