Users Guide

Table 138:
Change Cluster Password
Container Description
New Password Enter and confirm the new password.
Verify Password
Save/Cancel Commit or dismiss changes.
Manage Policy Manager Zones
CPPM shares a distributed cache of runtime state across all nodes in a cluster. These runtime states include:
l Roles and Postures of connected entities
l Connection status of all endpoints running OnGuard
l Endpoint details gathered by OnGuard Agent
CPPM uses this runtime state information to make policy decisions across multiple transactions.
In a deployment where a cluster spans WAN boundaries and multiple geographic zones, it is not necessary to share
all of this runtime state across all nodes in the cluster. For example, when endpoints present in one geographical area
are not likely to authenticate or be present in another area.
When endpoints present in one geographical area are not likely to authenticate or be present in another area, it is
more efficient from a network bandwidth usage and processing perspective to restrict the sharing of such runtime
state to a given geographical area.
You can configure Zones in CPPM to match with the geographical areas in your deployment. There can be multiple
Zones per cluster, and each Zone has a number of CPPM nodes that share runtime state.
Figure 221: Policy Manager Zones
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Policy Manager 6.0 | User Guide 251