Users Guide

252 | Policy Enforcement Firewall Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point | User Guide
Figure 196 - Users for Internal Server
To add a user:
1. Enter the username in the Username text box.
2. Enter the password in the Password text box and reconfirm
3. Select appropriate network type from the Type drop-down list.
4. Click Add and click OK. The users are listed in the Users list.
See "User Database" on page 269 for more information.
This window consists of the following options:
l Roles— This table displays all the roles defined for all the networks. See "User Role" on page
151 for more information.
NOTE: A special default role with the same name as the network is automatically defined for
each network. These roles cannot be deleted or renamed.
l Access Rules— This table lists the permissions for each Role. See "Role Derivation" on page
145 for more information.
NOTE: This release of W-Instant supports configuration of up to 64 access rules.