Users Guide

30 | DellW-Instant User Interface Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point | User Guide
This link displays the following features.
Figure 12 - PEF
Authentication Servers Use this window to configure an external RADIUS server for a wireless
network. See "802.1X Authentication" on page 111 for more information.
Users for Internal Server Use this window to populate the system’s internal authentication
server with users. This list is used by networks for which per-user authorization is specified using
the Virtual Controller’s internal authentication server. For more information about users, see "User
Database" on page 269.
Roles— This window displays all the roles defined for all the Networks. The Access Rules part
indicates the permissions for each role. For more information, see "User Roles" on page 145.
Blacklisting Use this window to manually blacklist clients. See "Client Blacklisting" on page 255
for more information.
Policy Enforcement Firewell (PEF) Settings Use this window to enable/disable Application
Layer Gateway (ALG) supporting address and port translation for various protocols. See "Policy
Enforcement Firewall" on page 251 for more information.
Wireless Intrusion Protection (WIP) offers a wide selection of intrusion detection and protection
features to protect the network against wireless threats. Use this window to specify desired levels
of threat detection. See "Rogue AP Detection and Classification" on page 177 for more