Users Guide

32 | DellW-Instant User Interface Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point | User Guide
This link displays the Maintenance window. The Maintenance window allows you to maintain
the Wi-Fi network. It consists of the following tabs:
l About Displays the Build Time, W-IAP model name, Dell OS version, Web address
of Dell Networks, and Copyright information.
l Configuration Displays the current configuration of the network.
n Clear Configuration— Click to delete or clear the current configuration of the network
and reset to provisioning configuration.
n Backup Configuration— Use this feature to create local W-Instant configuration backup.
Click Backup Configuration to save the configuration file named instant.cfg.
n Restore Configuration Click Restore Configuration to browse and locate the backup
file to restore. Reboot the W-IAP for the changes to take effect.
l Certificates Displays information about the current certificate installed in the network.
Provides an interface to upload new certificates and to set a passphrase for the certificates. For
more information, see "Certificates" on page 138.
l Firmware Displays the current firmware version and provides options to upgrade to a new
firmware version. For more information, see "Firmware Image Server in Cloud Network" on
page 86
l Reboot Displays the W-IAPs in the network and provides an option to reboot the required
access point or all access points. For more information, see "Rebooting the W-IAP" on page 84.
l Convert Provides an option to change the network from W-Instant to an Dell
PowerConnect W-Series Mobility Controller managed network or standalone AP. For more
information, see "Migrating to a Dell PowerConnect W-Series Mobility Controller Managed
Network" on page 80.
This link displays the Support window. It consists of the following fields:
l Command
Provides various options for which you can generate support logs.
l Target
Provides a list of W-IAPs in the network.
l Run
Click this to generate the support log for the selected option and W-IAP.
l Auto Run The selected commands run on the selected APs according to the specified time
l Filter Enter a string and click to display the filtered content of any command.
l Clear Click to clear the text box
l Save Results Click to open the results in another window and save it as an HTML or text
For additional details, see "Troubleshooting" on page 289.
The Help link at the top right corner of the Dell W-Series Instant UI allows you to view a short
description or definition of selected terms and fields in the Dell W-Series Instant UI.
To activate the context-sensitive help:
1. At the top right corner of Dell W-Series Instant UI, click the Help link.