Users Guide

74 | Managing W-IAPs Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point | User Guide
Syslog Facility Levels
DellW-Instant supports facility-based logging levels. Syslog Facility is an information field
associated with a syslog message. It is an application or operating system component that
generates a log message. The following seven facilities are supported by Syslog:
l AP-Debug Detailed log about AP device.
l Network— Log about change of network, for example, when a new W-IAP is added to a
l Security— Log about network security, for example, when a client connects using wrong
l System Log about configuration and system status.
l User Important logs about client.
l User-Debug Detailed log about client.
l Wireless Log about radio.
Table 12 describes the logging levels in order of severity, from most to least severe.
Logging Level Description
Panic conditions that occur when the system becomes
Any condition requiring immediate attention and
Critical Any critical conditions such as a hard drive error.
Errors Error conditions.
Warning Warning messages.
Notice Significant events of a non-critical and normal nature.
Informational Messages of general interest to system users.
Debug Messages containing information useful for debugging.
Table 12 - Logging Levels
Adding aW-IAP to the Network
To add aW-IAP to the DellW-Instant network, assign an IP address. For more information, see
"Assigning an IP Address to the W-IAP" on page 18.
After aW-IAP is connected to the network, if the Auto Join Mode feature is enabled, it is listed in
the Access Points tab in the Dell W-Series Instant UI. The W-IAP inherits the configuration and
image from the Virtual Controller.
If the Auto Join Mode is not enabled, then perform the following steps to add aW-IAP to the
1. In the Access Points tab, click the New link.