Users Guide

7. After conversion, the W-IAP is managed by the Dell PowerConnect W-Series Mobility
Controller which has been specified in the Dell W-Series Instant UI.
NOTE: In order for the RAP conversion to work, ensure that you configure the W-Instant AP
in the RAP white-list and enable the FTP service on the controller.
NOTE: If the VPN setup fails and an error message pops up, please click OK, copy the error
logs and share them with your Dell support engineer.
Converting aW-IAP to CAP
To convert aW-IAP to Campus AP, do the following:
1. Navigate to the Maintenance tab in the top right corner of the Dell W-Series Instant UI.
2. Click the Convert tab.
Figure 57- Converting aW-IAP to CAP
3. Select Campus APs managed by a Mobility Controller from the drop-down list.
4. Enter the hostname (fully qualified domain name) or the IP address of the controller in the
Hostname or IP Address of Mobility Controller text box. This is provided by your network
NOTE: Ensure the Mobility Controller IP Address is reachable by the W-IAPs.
5. Click Convert Now to complete the conversion.
Converting aW-IAP to Standalone Mode
This feature allows you to deploy aW-Instant AP as an autonomous AP which is a separate entity
from the existing Virtual Controller cluster in the same Layer 2 domain.
1. Navigate to the Maintenance tab in the top right corner of the Dell W-Series Instant UI.
2. Click the Convert tab.
Dell PowerConnect W-Series Instant Access Point | User Guide 83 | Managing W-IAPs