Reference Guide

222 | show ap arm Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
show ap arm
show ap arm {bandwidth-management | history | neighbors |rf-summary | scan-times}
This command displays information about bandwidth management, historical statistics, W-IAP neighbors, RF
summary, and scanning details for the W-IAP.
Parameter Description
bandwidth management
Displays ARM bandwidth details for a W-IAP.
Displays detailed information about the ARMconfiguration changes over a
period of time.
Displays details about the ARM neighbors.
Displays a summary of RF configuration information for a W-IAP
Displays ARM channel scanning details for a W-IAP.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view information about the Adaptive Radio Management (ARM)bandwidth configuration,
historical statistics, W-IAP neighbors, RF summary, and scanning details on a W-IAP.
show ap arm bandwidth-management
The following example shows the output of show ap arm bandwidth-management command:
Interface :wifi0
Shaping Table
Client Tx Pkt Tx Byte (KB) Tx Alloc (ms) Tx Time (ms) Rx Time (ms) Active Time (ms) ------ ---
--- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------
Tx Rate (mbps)
Interface :wifi1
Shaping Table
Client Tx Pkt Tx Byte (KB) Tx Alloc (ms) Tx Time (ms) Rx Time (ms) Active Time (ms) ------ ---
--- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------
Tx Rate (mbps)
The output of this command includes the following information:
Column Description
Displays the Wi-F interface configured on the W-IAP.
Shaping table
Displays information on the ARM configuration details for the clients associated
with the W-IAP.