Reference Guide

312 | show attack Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
show attack
show attack {config| stats}
This command displays information about firewall settings configured on a W-IAP to protect the network against
wired attacks such as ARP attacks or malformed DHCP packets.
Parameter Description
Displays firewall configuration details to protect the network from wired attacks.
Displays attack counters.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view firewall configuration details or attack counters enabled on a W-IAP to protect the
network from ARP attacks and malformed DHCP packets.
The following example shows the output of show attack config command:
Current Attack
Attack Status
------ ------
drop-bad-arp Disabled
fix-dhcp Disabled
poison-check Enabled
The output of this command indicates if the firewall settings to block invalid ARP packets and fix malformed DHCP
packets are enabled. You can also view the status of the Poison-check parameter, which triggers an alert to notify
the user about the ARP poisoning when enabled.
The following example output for the show attack stats command shows the attack counters:
attack counters
Counter Value
------- -------
arp packet counter 0
drop bad arp packet counter 0
dhcp response packet counter 0
fixed bad dhcp packet counter 0
send arp attack alert counter 0
send dhcp attack alert counter 0
arp poison check counter 0
garp send check counter 1628
Command History
Version Description
Dell Networking W-Series Instant
This command is introduced.