Reference Guide

446 | show rft profile Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
show rft profile
show rft profile {all|antenna-connectivity|ht-link-quality|link-quality|raw}
This command shows the RF test profile for testing RF parameters such as antenna connectivity, link quality, and
channel link quality.
Parameter Description
Displays the parameters for all test profiles.
Displays the parameters details for the antenna-connectivity test profile.
Displays the parameter details for the HT link quality test profile.
Displays the parameter details for the link quality test profile.
Displays the parameter details for the raw test profile.
Usage guidelines
Use the show rft profile command to view the test profile parameters for RF troubleshooting.
The following example shows the profile parameters for all RFtest profiles:
(Instant AP)# show rft profile all
Profile RAW: Built-in profile
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Antenna 1 and/or 2
Frame Type Null Data
Num Packets 100
Packet Size 1500
Num Retries 3
Profile LinkQuality: Built-in profile
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Antenna 1 and/or 2
Frame Type Null Data
Num Packets 100 for each data-rate
Packet Size 1500
Num Retries 0
Data Rate All rates are tried
Profile HTLinkQuality: Built-in profile
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Antenna 1 and/or 2
Frame Type Null Data
Num Packets 100 for each data-rate
Packet Size 1500