Reference Guide

g-external-antenna <gain>
This command configures external antenna connectors for a W-IAP.
Parameter Description Range Default
Configures the antenna gain. You can configure gain
value in dBi for the following types of antenna:
l Dipole/Omni
l Panel
l Sector
Diploe/Omni - 6
Panel -12
Sector - 12
Usage Guidelines
If your W-IAP has external antenna connectors, you need to configure the transmit power of the system. The
configuration must ensure that the system’s Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) is in compliance with
the limit specified by the regulatory authority of the country in which the W-IAP is deployed. You can also measure or
calculate additional attenuation between the device and antenna before configuring the antenna gain. To know if your
AP device supports external antenna connectors, see the
Install Guide
that is shipped along with the AP device.
EIRP and Antenna Gain
The following formula can be used to calculate the EIRP limit related RF power based on selected antennas
(antenna gain) and feeder (Coaxial Cable loss):
EIRP = Tx RF Power (dBm)+GA (dB) - FL (dB)
The following table describes this formula:
Formula Element Description
EIRP Limit specific for each country of deployment
Tx RF Power RF power measured at RF connector of the unit
GA Antenna gain
FL Feeder loss
Table 9:
Formula Variable Definitions
For information on antenna gain recommended by the manufacturer, see
The following example configures external antenna connectors for the W-IAP with the 2.4 GHz radio band.
(Instant AP)# g-external-antenna 12
Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide g-external-antenna | 83