Reference Guide

Parameter Description Range
Configures a name for the NAI realm. The realm name is often
the domain name of the service provider.
Removes any existing configuration.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure an NAI Realm profile that identifies and describes a NAI realm accessible to the W-
IAP, and the method used for NAI realm authentication. The settings configured in this profile determine the NAI
realm elements that are included as part of a GAS Response frame.
The following example creates an NAI realm profile:
(Instant AP)(config)# hotspot anqp-nai-realm-profile home
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# nai-realm-name
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# nai-realm-encoding utf8
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# nai-realm-eap-method eap-sim
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# nai-realm-auth-id-1 non-eap-inner-auth
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# nai-realm-auth-value-1 mschapv2
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# nai-home-realm
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# enable
(Instant AP)(nai-realm "home")# end
(Instant AP)# commit apply
Command History
Version Description
Dell Networking W-Series Instant
This command is introduced.
Command Information
W-IAP Platform Command Mode
All platforms
Configuration mode and the NAI realm profile configuration sub-
Dell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide hotspot anqp-nai-realm-profile | 97