User guide

Dell PowerConnect W-Instant Access Point | User Guide Alert Types and Management | 131
Chapter 20
Alert Types and Management
Alerts are generated when a user encounters problems while accessing or connecting to the Wi-Fi network. These
alerts enable you to troubleshoot the problems. The alerts that are generated on Dell Instant can be categorized
as follows:
802.11 related association and authentication failure alerts.
802.1X related mode and key mismatch, server, and client time-out failure alerts.
IP address related failure - Static IP address or DHCP related alerts.
Table 18 displays a list of alerts that are generated on the Dell Instant network.
Table 18 Alerts List
Type Code Description Details Corrective Action
100101 Internal error The IAP has encountered an internal
error for this client.
Contact the Dell customer support team.
100102 Unknown SSID in
association request
The IAP cannot allow this client to
associate because the association
request received contains an unknown
Identify the client and check its Wi-Fi driver
and manager software.
100103 Mismatched
encryption setting
The IAP cannot allow this client to
associate because its authentication or
encryption settings do not match IAP's
Ascertain the correct authentication or
encryption settings and try to associate
100104 Unsupported 802.11
The IAP cannot allow this client to
associate because it does not support
the 802.11 rate requested by this client.
Check the configuration on the IAP to see if
the desired rate can be supported; if not,
consider replacing the IAP with another
model that can support the rate.
100105 Maximum capacity
reached on IAP
The IAP has reached maximum capacity
and cannot accommodate any more
Consider expanding capacity by installing
additional IAPs or balance load by
relocating IAPs.
100206 Invalid MAC Address The IAP cannot authenticate this client
because the client's MAC address is not
This condition may be indicative of a
misbehaving client. Try to locate the client
device and check its hardware and
100307 Client blocked due to
authentication failures
The IAP is temporarily blocking the
802.1X authentication request from this
client because the credentials provided
have been rejected by the RADIUS
server too many times.
Identify the client and check its 802.1X
100308 RADIUS server
connection failure
The IAP cannot authenticate this client
using 802.1X because the RADIUS server
did not respond to the authentication
If the IAP is using the internal RADIUS
server, recommend checking the related
configuration as well as the installed
certificate and passphrase.
If the IAP is using an external RADIUS
server, check if there are any issues with
the RADIUS server and try connecting