Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
show ap mesh-radio-profile
show ap mesh-radio-profile [<profile>]
Show configuration settings for a mesh radio profile.
Parameter Description
Name of a mesh radio profile.
Usage Guidelines
The radio profile determines the radio frequency/channel used only by mesh nodes to establish mesh links.
Mesh nodes operating in different cluster profiles can share the same radio profile. Conversely, mesh portals
using the same cluster profile can be assigned different mesh radio profiles to achieve frequency separation.
The command show ap mesh-radio-profile displays a list of all mesh radio profiles configured on the
controller, including the number of references to each profile and each profile’s status. Include the optional
<profile> parameter to show detailed settings for an individual mesh radio profile.
The example below shows the configuration settings for the mesh cluster profile “default”.
(host) #show ap mesh-radio-profile default
Mesh Radio profile "default"
Parameter Value
--------- -----
802.11a Transmit Rates 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54
802.11g Transmit Rates 1 2 5 6 9 11 12 18 24 36 48 54
Allowed VLANs on mesh link 1-4094
BC/MC Rate Optimization Enabled
Heartbeat threshold 10
Link Threshold 12
Maximum Children 64
Maximum Hop Count 8
Mesh Private Vlan 0
Mesh High-throughput SSID Profile default
Mesh Survivability Disabled
Metric algorithm distributed-tree-rssi
Rate Optimization for delivering EAPOL frames and mesh echoes Disabled
Reselection mode startup-subthreshold
Retry Limit 8
RTS Threshold 2333 bytes
The output of this command includes the following information:
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ap mesh-radio-profile | 1205