Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
Parameter Description
l WebCCID: Web content category ID. To see the
name of the category associated with that
category ID, issue the command show web-cc
l WebCCU: URL for that session entry.
Displays datapath station association table statistics.
Display the current and high water mark amount of
802.11 associated wireless devices on a controller.
Values output from this command represent the
water-marks since the last boot of the controller. This
is the same value obtainable from the Num
Associations output from the show stm connectivity
mac <macaddr>
Hardware address, in hexadecimal format.
Displays contents of the tcp tunnel table. This
command displays all tcp tunnels that are terminated
by the controller.
app <app>
Name of the application.
Displays the tcp tunnel statistics.
Displays the tcp tunnel table.
This command displays the Datapath Station Table
Statistics detail.
Display all associated wireless devices on the
controller with their
corresponding AP BSSID and VLAN ID.
Displays the wireless device is associated with the
correct encryption type (if the device is associated to
an AP BSSID that has encryption enabled and verifies
whether the controller is having a problem in
decrypting the wireless device’s frames.
Displays contents of the datapath tunnel table. This
command displays all the tunnels that are terminated
by the controller, including Dell AP's GRE tunnels. For
example, a GRE tunnel is created and terminated on
the Dell controller for every SSID/BSSID configured on
the Dell AP. You can filter and view the tunnel using
the following options:
l counters
l encaps
l heartbeat
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show datapath | 1442