Concept Guide

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show ipv6 mld group
show ipv6 mld group
This example displays MLD group details.
(host) #show ipv6 mld group
MLD Group Table
Group Members Mode Age
----- ------- ---- ---
ff02::1:ff00:0 2 Exclude 4
ff02::1:ff00:1900 2 Exclude 1
ff1e::2 2 Include 0
ff02::1:3 4 Exclude 1
ff02::202 2 Exclude 4
ff02::2 3 Exclude 1
ff02::1:ff20:d6e2 2 Exclude 4
ff02::c 4 Exclude 2
ff02::1:ffab:4027 2 Exclude 6
ff02::d 2 Exclude 1
ff02::1:ff00:12 2 Exclude 4
ff02::1:ffd6:4d41 1 Exclude 7
ff02::16 2 Exclude 1
ff02::1:ffd6:4d40 1 Exclude 1
ff02::1:ff8a:4951 2 Exclude 4
ff02::1:ff5b:aac4 2 Exclude 11
ff02::1:ff9f:df01 2 Exclude 3
Total Groups: 17
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Name of MLD groups.
Number of members in an MLD group.
Controller supports two IPv6 multicast source filtering modes - Include and
Exclude.In Include mode, the reception of packets sent to a specified multicast
address is enabled only from the source addresses listed in the source list. In
Exclude mode, the reception of packets sent to a specific multicast address is
enabled from all source addresses (MLDv1 mode).
This parameter specifies the aging time.
This example displays MLD group address details.
(host) #show ipv6 mld group maddr ff1e::2 mac 9c:b7:0d:3f:a8:fc
MLD member 9c:b7:0d:3f:a8:fc Table
Source Age
------ ---
2001:feed::2 26
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ipv6 mld group | 1641