Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
show logging
show logging facility|server|{level [verbose]}
the IP address of the remote logging server, as well as facility log types and their associated facility levels.
Parameter Description
View the facility used when logging messages into the remote syslog server.
Show the IP address of a remote logging server.
level [verbose]
Show logging levels at which the messages are logged. Include the optional
verbose parameter to display additional data for logging subcategories and
Usage Guidelines
The ArubaOS logging levels follow syslog convention:
l level 7: Emergency
l level 6: Alert
l level 5: Critical
l level 4: Errors.
l level 3: Warning
l level 2:Notices
l level 1:Informational
l level 0: Debug
The default logging level is leve1 1. You can change this setting via the logging command.
This example below displays defined logging levels for each logging facility.
(host) #show logging level
Facility Level
-------- -----
network warnings
security warnings
system warnings
user warnings
wireless warnings
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show logging | 1717