Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
show references ha
show references ha group-profile <profile-name> {page<page> start<start>}
Displays HA group profile references.
Parameter Description
group-profile <profile-anme>
Name of the HA group profile for which you want to show ref-
page <number>
Include this parameter to limit output of this command to
the specified number of items.
start <number>
Include this parameter to start displaying the output of this
command at the specified index number.
Issue this command to display a list of references for a specific HA group profile.
(host) (config) #show references ha group-profile newgroup
References to HA group information "newgroup"
Referrer Count
-------- -----
Total References:0
Command History
This command was introduced in ArubaOS 6.3.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
Available on all platforms Base operating system Config mode on master and local
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show references ha | 1823