Concept Guide

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456| interface fastethernet | gigabitethernet Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x| Reference Guide
Interface Bandwidth Contracts
W-7000 Series controllers have the ability to classify and identify applications on the network. If a W-7000
Series controller is configured as a branch controller, you can create bandwidth contracts to limit traffic for
individual applications (or categories of applications) either sent from or received by a selected interface. There
are two basic models for using this feature.
l Limiting lower-priority traffic: If there is a lower-priority application or application type that you want to
limit, apply a bandwidth contract just to that application, and allow all other application traffic to pass
without any limits.
l Protecting higher-priority traffic: If you want to guarantee bandwidth for a company-critical
application or application group, you can add that application to an exception list, then apply a bandwidth
contract to all remaining traffic.
You can apply bandwidth contracts using one or both of these models. Each interface supports up to 64
bandwidth contracts.
Interface contract Precedence
An interface bandwidth contract is applied to downstream traffic before a user-role bandwidth contract is
applied, and for upstream traffic, the user-role bandwidth contract is applied before the interface bandwidth
contract. For all traffic using compression and encryption, bandwidth contracts are applied after that traffic is
compressed and encrypted. If you apply more than one bandwidth contract to any specific category type, then
the bandwidth contracts are applied in the following order.
1. A contract that explicitly excludes an application
2. A contract that explicitly excludes an application category
3. A contract that applies to a specific application
4. A contract that applies to a specific application category
5. A generic bandwidth contract, not specific to any application or application category
The following commands configure an interface as a trunk port for a set of VLANs:
(host) (config) # interface fastethernet 1/2
(host) (config-range)# switchport mode trunk
(host) (config-range)# switchport trunk native vlan 10
(host) (config-range)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,100
The following commands configure trunk port 1/2 with test-acl session for VLAN 2:
(host) (config) # interface range fastethernet 1/2
(host) (config-range)# switchport mode trunk
(host) (config-range)# ip access-group
(host) (config-range) # ip access-group test session vlan 2
The following commands configure a interface bandwidth contract for a high-priority application:
(host) (config) # interface gigabitethernet 1/1
(host) (config) # bw-contract protectskype4b exclude app alg-skype4b-voice downstream
Related Commands
(host) #show interface {fastethernet|gigabitethernet} <slot>/<module>/<port>
(host) #show datapath port vlan-table <slot>/<module>/<port>