Concept Guide

216 | DHCP Configuration Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide
3. Based on type of DHCP scope selected, configure the following parameters:
Name Description
Name Enter a name for the DHCP scope.
Type Select any of the following options:
l Local—On selecting Local, the DHCP server for local branch network is used for
keeping the scope of the subnet local to the W-IAP. In the NAT mode, the traffic
is forwarded through the IPSec tunnel or the uplink.
l Local, L2—On selecting Local, L2, the Virtual Controller acts as a DHCP server
and a default gateway in the local network is used.
l Local, L3—On selecting Local, L3, the Virtual Controller acts as a DHCP server
and gateway. In this mode, the network address for traffic destined to the
corporate network is translated at the source with the inner IP of the IPSec
tunnel and is forwarded through the IPsec tunnel. The traffic destined to the non-
corporate network is routed.
VLAN Specify a VLANID. To use this subnet, ensure that the VLANID specified here is
assigned to an SSID profile. For more information on SSID profile configuration, see
Configuring VLAN Settings for a WLAN SSID Profile on page 102 and Configuring
VLAN for a Wired Profile on page 120.
Network Specify the network to use.
Netmask If Local, Local, L2 or Local, L3 is selected, specify the subnet mask. The subnet
mask and the network determine the size of subnet.
Excluded address Specify a range of IP addresses to exclude. You can add up to two exclusion ranges.
Based on the size of the subnet and the value configured for Excluded address,
the IP addresses either before or after the defined range are excluded.
Default Router If Local, L2 is selected for type of DHCP scope, specify the IP address of the default
DNS Server If required, specify the IP address of a DNS server for the Local, Local, L2 and
Local, L3 scopes.
Domain Name If required, specify the domain name for the Local, Local, L2, and Local, L3 scopes.
Lease Time Specify a lease time for the client in minutes within a range of 2–1440 minutes. The
default value is 720 minutes.
Option Specify the type and a value for the DHCP option. You can configure the
organization-specific DHCP options supported by the DHCP server. For example,
176, 242, and 161. To add multiple DHCP options, click the + icon.
Table 40: Local DHCP Mode Configuration Parameters
4. Click OK.
In the CLI
To configure Local DHCP scope:
(Instant AP)(config)# ip dhcp <profile-name>