Concept Guide

The hotspot profile configuration parameters are described in the following table:
Parameter Description
Specify any of the following 802.11u network types.
l private—This network is accessible for authorized users only. For example, home
networks or enterprise networks that require user authentication. The corresponding
integer value for this network type is 0.
l private-with-guest—This network is accessible to guest users based on guest
authentication methods. For example, enterprise networks that allow guest users with
captive portal authentication. The corresponding integer value for this network type is
l chargeable-public—This network provides access to the Internet based on payment.
For example, a subscription-based Internet access in a coffee shop or a hotel offering
chargeable in-room Internet access service. The corresponding integer value for this
network type is 2.
l free-public —This network is accessible to all without any charges applied. For
example, a hotspot in airport or other public places that provide Internet access with no
additional cost. The corresponding integer value for this network type is 3.
l personal-device—This network is accessible for personal devices. For example, a
laptop or camera configured with a printer for the purpose of printing. The
corresponding integer value for this network type is 4.
l emergency-services —This network is limited to accessing emergency services only.
The corresponding integer value for this network type is 5.
l test—This network is used for test purposes only. The corresponding integer value for
this network type is 14.
l wildcard —This network indicates a wildcard network. The corresponding integer value
for this network type is 15.
addtl-roam-cons-ois Specify the number of additional roaming consortium Organization Identifiers (OIs)
advertised by the AP. You can specify up to three additional OIs.
Enable the Additional Steps Required for Access (asra)to indicate if additional steps are
required for authentication. When enabled, the following information is sent to the client in
response to an ANQP query. For ASRA, ensure that the network authentication type is
Enable this parameter to allow the client to obtain a GAS Request and Response as a
Comeback-Request and Comeback-Response. By default, this comeback mode is disabled.
Specify a GAS come back delay interval in milliseconds to allow the client to retrieve the
query response using a comeback request action frame when the GAS response is
delayed. You can specify a value within the range of 100-2000 milliseconds and the default
value is 500 milliseconds.
Enable this parameter if you want to stop the AP from sending forward downstream group-
addressed frames.
Table 72: Hotspot Configuration Parameters
Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide Hotspot Profiles | 371