Concept Guide

Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide Instant User Interface | 47
Chapter 5
Instant User Interface
This chapter describes the following Instant UI elements:
l Login Screen
l Main Window
Login Screen
The Instant login page allows you to:
l View Instant Network Connectivity summary
l View the Instant UI in a specific language
l Log in to the Instant UI
Viewing Connectivity Summary
The login page also displays the connectivity status to the Instant network. The users can view a summary that
indicates the status of the Internet availability, uplink, cellular modem and signal strength, VPN, and W-AirWave
configuration details before logging in to the Instant UI.
The following figure shows the information displayed in the connectivity summary:
Figure 3 Connectivity Summary
The Language drop-down lists the languages and allows users to select their preferred language before
logging in to the Instant UI. A default language is selected based on the language preferences in the client
desktop operating system or browser. If Instant cannot detect the language, then English is used as the
default language.
You can also select the required language option from the Languages drop-down located at the bottom left
corner of the Instant main window.
Logging into the Instant UI
To log in to the Instant UI, enter the following credentials:
l Username— admin
l Password— admin
The Instant UI main window is displayed.