Concept Guide

Parameter Description
This parameter shows the Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (UAPSD)
queue statuses in the following comma-separated format: (<VO>,< VI>,< BK>, <BE>,<
Max SP>,<Q Len>).
l VO: If 1, UAPSD is enabled for the VoIP access category. If UAPSD is disabled for
this access category, this value is 0.
l VI: If 1, UAPSD is enabled for the Video access category. If UAPSD is disabled for
this access category, this value is 0.
l BK: If 1, UAPSD is enabled for the Background access category. If UAPSD is
disabled for this access category, this value is 0.
l BE: If 1, UAPSD is enabled for the Best Effort access category. If UAPSD is disabled
for this access category, this value is 0.
l Max SP: The maximum service period is the number of frame sent per trigger
packet. This value is value can be 0, 2, 4 or 8.
l Q Len: The number of frames currently queued for the client, from 0 to 16 frames.
Number of packets transmitted from the AP to the client.
Number of packets the AP received from the client.
Number of packets in the power save queue length.
Number of packets that the AP had to resend to the client due to an initial transmission
Rate at which last packet was sent to client (in Mbps)
Rate at which last packet was received from client (in Mbps)
Signal-to-Noise ratio of the last acknowledge packet sent by client.
Signal-to-Noise ratio of the last data packet received from the client.
The first digit in this value indicates the number of transmission chains on the radio
currently in use, and the number in brackets shows which of the chains are active.
The current status of each chain is indicated by a single-digit binary number; 1 if the
chain is active, and 0 if it is inactive. In the example output above (2 [0x5]), two chain
are active; chain one and chain three.
l chain one: 1 (active)
l chain two: 0 (inactive)
l chain three: 1 (active
In the example above, the chain would generate the value 101, which translates to the
hexadecimal number 5. If all three chain were active, it would generate the value 111,
(the hexadecimal number 7), and would appear in the CLI output as 3 [0x7].
Date and time the last packet was sent to the client.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ap debug client-table | 1084