Concept Guide

show ap lldp
show ap lldp [<profile>]
Display a list of LLDP-MED Network Policy profiles, or display the current configuration settings of an individual
Parameter Description
Specify a LLDP profile name to view configuration settings for that profile.
The following example lists all LLDP profile profiles. The References column lists the number of other profiles
with references to that LLDP-MED Network policy profile profile, and the ProfileStatus column indicates
whether the profile is predefined.
The output of the command below shows that the controller has two LLDP profiles.
(host) #show ap lldp med-network-policy-profile
AP LLDP Profile List
Name References Profile Status
---- ---------- --------------
default 0
video 2
The following command displays configuration details for the LLDP profile named default.
(host) #show ap lldp med-network-policy-profile video
AP LLDP Profile "new"
Parameter Value
--------- -----
PDU transmission Enabled
Reception of LLDP PDUs Enabled
Transmit interval (seconds) 30
Transmit hold multiplier 4
Optional TLVs port-description system-description system-name capabilities
802.1 TLVs port-vlan vlan-name
802.3 TLVs mac link-aggregation mfs power
LLDP-MED network policy profile N/A
The output of this command includes the following information:
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ap lldp | 1173