Concept Guide

show crypto ipsec
show crypto ipsec {mtu|sa[peer <peer-ip>]|transform-set [tag <transform-set-name>]}
Displays the current IPsec configuration on the controller.
Parameter Description
IPsec maximum mtu.
Security associations.
peer <peer-ip> IPsec security associations for a peer.
IPsec transform sets.
tag <transform-set-name>
A specific transform set.
Usage Guidelines
The command show crypto ipsec displays the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size allowed for network
transmissions using IPsec security. It also displays the transform sets that define a specific encryption and
authentication type.
The command show crypto transform-set shows the settings for both preconfigured and manually
configured transform sets.
(host) #show crypto ipsec transform-set
Transform set default-transform: {esp-3des esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-ml-transform: {esp-3des esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-boc-bm-transform: {esp-3des esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-cluster-transform: {esp-aes256 esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-1st-ikev2-transform: {esp-aes256 esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-3rd-ikev2-transform: {esp-aes128 esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-gcm256: {esp-aes256-gcm esp-null-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-gcm128: {esp-aes128-gcm esp-null-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-rap-transform: {esp-aes256 esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Transform set default-remote-node-bm-transform: {esp-3des esp-sha-hmac }
will negotiate = {Transport, Tunnel }
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show crypto ipsec | 1413