Concept Guide

show ip access-list
show ip access-list {brief|<string>}
Display a table of all configured access control lists (ACLs), or show details for a specific ACL.
Parameter Description
Display a table of information for all ACLs.
Specify the name of a single ACL to display detailed information on that ACL.
The example below shows general information for all ACLs in the Access List table.
(Host) #show ip access-list brief
Access list table
Name Type Use Count Roles
---- ---- --------- -----
200 eth
33 standard
allowall session 2 trusted-ap default-vpn-role
ap-acl session 2 rap_role ap-role
captiveportal session 4 coltrane-logon wizardtest-logon test-logon logon
captiveportal6 session 2 guest-logon logon
control session 7 ap-role coltrane-logon wizardtest-logon guest
stateful test-logon logon
cplogout session 1 guest
default session
global-geolocation-acl geolocation(4)
guest session
log-https session
srcnat session
stateful-dot1x session 2 stateful-dot1x logon
stateful-kerberos session
validuser session 1 test-24325
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Name Name of an access-control list (ACL).
Type Shows that the ACL is one of the following ACL policy types:
l Ethertype
l Standard
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ip access-list | 1586