Concept Guide

aaa auth-survivability
aaa auth-survivability
This command configures Authentication Survivability on a controller.
Parameter Description Default
cache-lifetime <hrs>
This parameter specifies the lifetime in hours for the
cached access credential in the local Survival Server. When
the specified cache-lifetime expires, the cached access
credential is deleted from the controller.
The valid range is from 1 to 72 hours.
24 hours
This parameter controls whether to use the Survival Server
when no other servers in the server group are in-service.
This parameter also controls whether to store the user
access credential in the Survival Server when it is
authenticated by an external RADIUS or LDAP server in the
server group. Authentication Survivability is enabled or
disabled on each controller.
NOTE: Authentication survivability will not activate if the
Authentication Server Dead Time is configured as 0
This parameter allows you to view the name of the server
certificate used by the local Survival Server. The local
Survival Server is provided with a default server certificate
from AOS. The customer server certificate must be
imported into the controller first, and then you can assign
the server certificate to the local Survival Server.
NOTE: In the deployment environment, it is recommended
that you switch to a customer server certificate.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure authentication survivability on a standalone, local, or master controller.
To configure authentication survivability on a branch controller, you must use the Smart Config WebUI. On the
branch controller, navigate to Configuration > BRANCH > Smart Config.
Command History
Version Description
ArubaOS Command introduced.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide aaa auth-survivability | 17