Concept Guide

show rft result
show rft result all|{trans-id <trans-id>}
Show the results of an RF test.
Parameter Description
Show the most recent test result for each test type (antenna-connectivity, link-
quality or raw).
trans-id <trans-id>
Each RF test is assigned a transaction ID. Include the trans-id <trans-id>
parameters to show the test result for a specific transaction ID.
Usage guidelines
The rft command is used for RF troubleshooting, and should only be used under the supervision of Dell
technical support.
Related Commands
To view a list of the most recent transaction IDs for each test type, use the command show rft transactions.
Command History
This command was available in ArubaOS 3.0.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms Base operating system Enable and Config mode on local and
master controllers
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show rft result | 1873