Concept Guide

clock summer-time recurring
clock summer-time <WORD> [recurring]
<1-4> <start day> <start month> <hh:mm>
first <start day> <start month> <hh:mm>
last <start day> <start month> <hh:mm>
<1-4> <end day> <end month> <hh:mm>
first <end day> <end month> <hh:mm>
last <end day> <end month> <hh:mm>
[<-23 - 23>]
Set the software clock to begin and end daylight savings time on a recurring basis.
Parameter Description Range
Enter the abbreviation for your time zone. For example, PDT for
Pacific Daylight Time.
Enter the week number to start/end daylight savings time. For
example, enter 2 to start daylight savings time on the second week
of the month.
Enter the keyword first to have the time change begin or end on
the first week of the month.
Enter the keyword last to have the time change begin or end on
the last week of the month.
start day
Enter the weekday when the time change begins or ends. Sunday-
start month
Enter the month when the time change begins or ends. January-
Enter the time, in hours and minutes, that the time change begins
or ends.
24 hours
-23 - 23
Hours offset from the Universal Time Clock (UTC). -23 - 23
Usage Guidelines
This command subtracts exactly 1 hour from the configured time.
The WORD can be any alphanumeric string, but cannot start with a colon (:). A WORD longer than five characters is
not accepted. If you enter a WORD containing punctuation, the command is accepted, but the timezone is set to
You can configure the time to change on a recurring basis. To do so, set the week, day, month, and time when
the change takes effect (daylight savings time starts). You must also set the week, day, month, and time when
the time changes back (daylight savings time ends).
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide clock summer-time recurring | 277