Concept Guide

580| local-userdb-branch Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x| Reference Guide
Removing an RN from the Whitelist
When you remove an entry for an active RN from the RN whitelist on the RNC, that RN no longer receives
configuration or license updates from the RNC, but continues to operate as previously configured. As the
license server is the RNC, any operation related to the licensing does not work after it is detached. If you
remove an individual RN entry from the RN whitelist before that RN is connected to the network, that RN is not
automatically provisioned as a RN, and remains inactive on the network until manually provisioned.
To remove an RN from the RN whitelist, access the command-line interface of the RNC, access enable mode,
then enter the command
local-userdb-branch del mac-address <mac-address>
where <mac-address> is the MAC address of the RN, in colon-separated six-octet format.
(branch-master)(config) #local-userdb-branch del mac-address 00:16:CF:AF:3E:E1
Related Commands
Command Description Mode
show branch
Shows branch controller, DHCP instances,
license usage and running configuration
Enable and Config mode
show branch-dhcp-pool
Shows branch controller DHCP pool
configuration information.
Enable and Config mode
show branch-config-group
Shows branch config group status
Enable and Config mode
show local-userdb-branch
The output of this command lists the MAC
address and assigned branch config group
for of each branch controller associated
with that master controller.
Enable and Config mode
Command History
ArubaOS 6.0 Command introduced
ArubaOS 6.2 Command deprecated
ArubaOS Command reinstated