Concept Guide

Release Modification
l link-priority-cellular
l link-priority-ethernet
ArubaOS 5.0 The mesh-sae parameter no longer has the sae-default option. Use the
sae-disable option to return this parameter to its default disabled setting.
ArubaOS 6.0 The uplink-vlan parameter was introduced.
ArubaOS 6.1 The following new parameters were introduced for provisioning IPv6 APs:
l dns-server-ip6
l ip6addr
l ip6prefix
l gateway6
ArubaOS 6.2 The following new parameters provision APs in single-chain mode:
l sch-mode-radio-0
l sch-mode-radio-1
The following new parameters provision APs for 802.1X authentication:
l apdot1x-passwd
l apdot1x-username
The following new parameters provision Remote APs using USB modems:
l usb-modeswitch
l 4g-usb-type
ArubaOS The cellular_nw_preference parameter was introduced for provisioning
multi-mode modems, and the 4g-usb-type parameter was deprecated.
Specify a 2/3G or 4G modem type using the usb-type parameter.
ArubaOS 6.3 The sierrausbnet and storage usb-type parameters were introduced.
ArubaOS 6.3.1 the rndis usb-type parameter was introduced.
ArubaOS The service-tag parameter was introduced under reprovision parameter.
Command Information
Platforms Licensing Command Mode
All platforms, except for the
parameters noted in the Syntax
Base operating system, except
for the parameters noted in
the Syntax table.
Config mode on master controllers
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide provision-ap | 705