Concept Guide

show aaa password-policy mgmt
show aaa password-policy mgmt [statistics]
Show the current password policy for management users.
Parameter Description
Include this optional parameter to show the numbers of failed login attempts
and any lockout periods for management user accounts.
The output of the show aaa password-policy mgmt command below shows that the current password
policy requires a management user to have a password with a minimum of 9 characters, including one numeric
character and one special character
(host) #show aaa password-policy mgmt
Mgmt Password Policy
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Enable password policy Yes
Minimum password length required 9
Minimum number of Upper Case characters 0
Minimum number of Lower Case characters 0
Minimum number of Digits 1
Minimum number of Special characters (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, <, >, {, }, [, ], :, ., comma,
|, +, ~, `) 1
Username or Reverse of username NOT in Password No
Maximum Number of failed attempts in 3 minute window to lockout user 0
Time duration to lockout the user upon crossing the "lock-out" threshold 3
Maximum consecutive character repeats 0
The following data columns appear in the output of this command:
Parameter Description
Enable password policy Shows if the defined policy has been enabled
Minimum password
length required
Minimum number of characters required for a management user password.
The default setting is 6 characters.
Minimum number of
Upper Case characters
The maximum number of uppercase letters required for a management user
password. By default, there is no requirement for uppercase letters in a
password, and the parameter has a default value of 0.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show aaa password-policy mgmt | 851