Concept Guide

show aaa profile
show aaa profile <profile-name>
Show configuration details for an individual AAA profile.
The output of the following command shows roles, servers and server group settings, and wire-to-wireless-
roaming statistics for each AAA profile.
(host) #show aaa profile default
AAA Profile "default"
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Initial role guest
MAC Authentication Profile N/A
MAC Authentication Default Role guest
MAC Authentication Server Group default
802.1X Authentication Profile default
802.1X Authentication Default Role guest
802.1X Authentication Server Group N/A
Download Role from CPPM Disabled
L2 Authentication Fail Through Disabled
Multiple Server Accounting Disabled
User idle timeout N/A
RADIUS Accounting Server Group N/A
RADIUS Interim Accounting Disabled
XML API server N/A
RFC 3576 server N/A
User derivation rules N/A
Wired to Wireless Roaming Enabled
SIP authentication role N/A
Device Type Classification Enabled
Enforce DHCP Disabled
PAN Firewall Integration Disabled
Open SSID radius accounting Disabled
The following data columns appear in the output of this command:
Parameter Description
Name The name of the AAA profile.
Initial Role Role for unauthenticated users.
MAC Authentication Profile Name of the MAC authentication profile.
MAC Authentication Default Role Configured role assigned to the user after MAC
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show aaa profile | 854