Concept Guide

193 | Roles and Policies Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide
4. To set an access policy based on the web category:
a. Under Service section, select Web category and expand the Web categories drop-down list.
Figure 44 Roles—New Rule
b. Select the categories to which you want to deny or allow access. You can also search for a web category
and select the required option.
c. From the Action drop-down list, select Allow or Deny as required.
d. Click OK.
5. To filter access based on the security ratings of the website:
a. Select Web reputation under Service section.
b. Move the slider to the required security rating level.
c. From the Action drop-down list, select Allow or Deny as required.
6. To set a bandwidth limit based on web category or web reputation score, select Application Throttling
check box and specify the downstream and upstream rates in Kbps. For example, you can set a higher
bandwidth for trusted sites and a low bandwidth rate for high-risk sites.
7. Click OK to save the rules.
8. Click OKin the Roles tab to save the changes to the role for which you defined ACL rules.
In the CLI
To control access based on web categories and security ratings:
(Instant AP)(config)# wlan access-rule <access_rule>
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "<access-rule>")# rule <dest> <mask> <match> webcategory <webgrp>
{permit| deny}[<option1....option9>]
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "<access-rule>")# rule <dest> <mask> <match> webreputation <webrep>
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "<access-rule>")# end
(Instant AP)# commit apply
(Instant AP)(config)# wlan access-rule URLFilter
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "URLFilter")# rule any any match webcategory gambling deny
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "URLFilter")# rule any any match webcategory training-and-tools
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "URLFilter")# rule any any match webreputation trustworthy-sites
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "URLFilter")# rule any any match webreputation suspicious-sites deny
(Instant AP)(Access Rule "URLFilter")# end
(Instant AP)# commit apply