Concept Guide

Dell Networking W-Series Instant | User Guide Spectrum Monitor | 341
Chapter 30
Spectrum Monitor
This chapter provides the following information:
l Understanding Spectrum Data on page 341
l Configuring Spectrum Monitors and Hybrid W-IAPs on page 347
Understanding Spectrum Data
Wireless networks operate in environments with electrical and radio frequency devices that can interfere with
network communications. Microwave ovens, cordless phones, and even adjacent Wi-Fi networks are all
potential sources of continuous or intermittent interference. The spectrum monitor software modules on W-
IAPs can examine the radio frequency (RF) environment in which the Wi-Fi network is operating, identify
interference, and classify its sources. An analysis of the results can then be used to quickly isolate issues
associated with packet transmission, channel quality, and traffic congestion caused by contention with other
devices operating in the same band or channel.
Spectrum monitors (SMs) are W-IAP radios that gather spectrum data but do not service clients. Each SM scans
and analyzes the spectrum band used by the SM's radio (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz). A W-IAP radio in hybrid W-IAP
mode continues to serve clients as an access point while it analyzes spectrum analysis data for the channel the
radio uses to serve clients. You can record data for both types of spectrum monitor devices. However, the
recorded spectrum is not reported to the VC. A spectrum alert is sent to the VC when a non-Wi-Fi interference
device is detected.
The spectrum monitor is fully supported on all W-IAPs/W-IAPs with a few exceptions:
l W-IAP155 does not support Spectrum from Instant release.
l W-IAP105 supports the dedicated Spectrum mode, but not the Hybrid Spectrum mode.
l W-IAP3 do not support Spectrum display in the Instant UI.
The spectrum data is collected by each W-IAP spectrum monitor and hybrid W-IAP. The spectrum data is not
reported to the VC. The Spectrum link is visible in the UI (Access Point view) only if you have enabled the
Spectrum Monitoring feature.
You can view the following spectrum data in the UI:
l Device List
l Non-Wi-Fi Interferers
l Channel Metrics
l Channel Details
l Spectrum Alerts
Device List
The device list consists of a device summary table and channel information for active non-Wi-Fi devices
currently seen by a spectrum monitor or hybrid W-IAP radio.