Users Guide

Parameter Description
maximum-delay <maximum-delay>
If the controller’s CPU
utilization has surpassed the
CPU-threshold value, the
maximum-delay parameter
defines the minimum number
of seconds a user will have to
wait to retry a login attempt.
Range: 1-10 seconds. Default:
10 seconds.
minimum-delay <minimum-delay>
If the controller’s CPU
utilization has surpassed the
CPU-threshold value, the
minimum-delay parameter
defines the minimum number
of seconds a user will have to
wait to retry a login attempt.
Range: 1-10 seconds. Default:
5 seconds.
The E.164 Area Code in the
WISPr Location ID.
The 1-3 digit E.164 Country
Code in the WISPr Location ID.
wispr-location-id-isocc <wispr-location-id-isocc>
The ISO Country Code in the
WISPr Location ID.
wispr-location-id-network <wispr-location-id-network>
The SSID/network name in the
WISPr Location ID.
wispr-location-name-location <wispr-location-name-location>
A name identifying the
hotspot location. If no name is
defined, the default ap-name
is used.
A name identifying the
hotspot operator.
Usage Guidelines
WISPr authentication allows a smart client to remain authenticated on the network when they roam between
Wireless Internet Service Providers, even if the wireless hotspot uses an ISP for which the client may not have
an account.
If you are hotstpot operator using WISPr authentication, and a client that has an account with your ISP
attempts to access the Internet at your hotspot, then your ISP’s WISPr AAA server authenticates that client
directly, and allows the client access on the network. If, however, the client only has an account with a partner
ISP, then your ISP’s WISPr AAA server will forward that client’s credentials to the partner ISP’s WISPr AAA server
for authentication. Once the client has been authenticated on the partner ISP, it will be authenticated on your
hotspot’s own ISP, as per their service agreements. Once your ISP sends an authentication message to the
controller, the controller assigns the default WISPr user role to that client.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.4.x | User Guide aaa authentication wispr | 94