Owner's Manual

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Advanced Settings: Dell
Mobile Broadband Card Utility User's
Disable Dell Mobile Broadband Card
Managing Profiles
Using GPS
Additional Features
The Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility offers you the ability to enable or disable your mobile broadband card, set up a Virtual
Private Network (
VPN) for your mobile broadband connection, configure different connection profiles, and much more.
NOTE: Ensure you are familiar with the functions of these settings prior to changing them.
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Disable Dell Mobile Broadband Card
To disable the Dell Mobile Broadband Card, select Disable Radio from the File menu. To enable the card, select Enable Radio
Off from the File menu.
NOTE: You must disable the Dell Mobile Broadband Card to comply with safety regulations before boarding a plane. For
more information, see
Safety Information.
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For a description of VPN settings, see Profile Settings.
To configure a VPN:
1. In the Main window, select Profile Manager from the Edit menu.
2. Click the VPN tab.
3. Configure the settings as required for your VPN.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: VPN configurations are not supported when the Dell Mobile Broadband Card is enabled for Auto-Connect at