Owner's Manual

Configuring the Device Settings
You can configure your mobile broadband card to automatically connect to the network when you power up your system or
manually connect and disconnect using the Connect/Disconnect button in the main window. You can also set roaming and data
network preferences.
The Roaming options all you to set your roaming preference. Your coverage area and billing charges depend on your service and
the type of account you have. There may be surcharges for roaming service that vary based on whether you are in a preferred
roaming area or a non-preferred roaming area. If there is no roaming agreement between Sprint and the local carrier, you may be
unable to complete calls in a non-preferred zone. The Data network options allow you to set your connection preferences or service
settings. You can choose to connect to only 1xEV-DO (high speed) or 1xRTT (low speed) cellular networks, or you can have your
network connections managed automatically.
Connection Mode
Option Description
Connection Mode Select your mobile broadband card.
Manual Connect Select this option if you want to manually connect and disconnect from the network.
Auto-Connect At
Select this option if you want to auto-connect at startup using
NDIS. If you choose this option, the
card will be up, running, and connected by the time you log into Windows.
Option Description
Roaming Sprint Only: Select this option to direct the Mobile Broadband Card not to roam from the Sprint PCS
Network. If you select this option, you will not be able to roam outside the Sprint network. This is the
default option.
Auto: Select this option to direct the the Mobile Broadband Card to automatically search for any
accessible network in the local area if you travel outside the Sprint Service Area.