Owner's Manual

Message The message text.
Sent The date the message was sent.
Callback The callback number.
Viewing Messages
To open a mailbox:
In the left pane, click on the mailbox. The current messages are displayed in the Subject pane.
Sorting Messages
You can sort messages in any or your mailboxes by any column in either ascending or descending order. An arrow indicates the
current column. An up arrow indicates the column is sorted in ascending order. A down arrow indicates descending order.
To sort messages:
To sort by a column, click on the column heading.
To toggle from ascending to descending order, or descending to ascending, click on the column again.
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Composing and Sending Messages
NOTE: An SMS message can contain up to 148 alphabetic or numeric characters and cannot contain any images or
graphics. A message over 148 characters will be divided into multiple messages. Your carrier may reduce the character
limit when sending multiple messages.
To compose an SMS message: