Owner's Manual

Current Connection
The length of the current connection.
Total Session Bytes The number of bytes sent and received during the current session.
Total Session Minutes The number of minutes connected during the current session. This is not related to your service
provider's billing information.
The time, duration, and total MB of data exchanges are displayed for past sessions in the box at the bottom of the dialog box.
To view the connection log:
1. In the Main window, select Connection Log from the Tools menu.
2. To clear the log at the bottom of the dialog box, click Clear.
3. To close the Report dialog box, click the Close box.
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Viewing the Copyright, Date, and Version Information
The About dialog box displays copyright, date, and version information for the Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility installed on your
To view the installed version:
1. In the Main window, select About from the Help menu to open the About dialog box.
2. To close the About dialog box, click the Close box.
Please read all
restrictions and disclaimers.
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