Release Notes

BIOS conguration on Wyse 5070 thin client
Table 11 describes the INI parameters to congure Dell BIOS settings on Wyse 5070 thin client.
Table 36. INI parameters
INI parameters Description
[CurrentPasswordEnc=password encrypted]
[NewPasswordEnc=password encrypted]
[Audio={yes, no}]
[AdminLock={yes, no}]
[AutoPower={Disable, Daily, Workday, Days}]
[AutoPowerDays={Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday}]
[ACRecovery={PowerO, PowerOn, LastState}]
[USBRearPort={yes, no}]
[USBFrontPort={yes, no}]
[WakeOnLan={Disable, LAN, PXE}]
[USBBootSupport={yes, no}]
[PXEBootSupport={yes, no}]
These INI parameters are applicable to thin clients with Dell
standard BIOS.
Supported platforms:
Wyse 3040 thin client
Wyse 5070 thin client
[CurrentPassword=password]This option provides the current
BIOS password for changing BIOS settings when device's admin
password is available.
[CurrentPasswordEnc=password encrypted]This option is used
to provide encrypted current password.
[NewPassword=password]This option is used to change
device's password. Current Password is not required if device's
admin password is not available.
[NewPasswordEnc=password encrypted]This option is used to
provide encrypted new password.
NOTE: Password encrypted is of higher priority. For
example: If both CurrentPassword and
CurrentPasswordEnc are congured, then
CurrentPasswordEnc overwrites the CurrentPassword.
[Audio={yes, no}]This option enables or disables the integrated
audio controller. BIOS default value is yes. All Dell BIOS settings
take eect after the power o restart.
[AdminLock={yes, no}]When enabled, this option prevents user
from entering setup when an admin password is set. Default value
is no.
[AutoPower={Disable, Daily, Workday, Days}]This option sets
the time of day when you want the system to automatically turn on.
No/DisableThe system does not automatically power up; Yes/
DailyThe system power ups every day at the time specied in
AutoPowerTime; WorkdayThe system power ups Monday
through Friday at the time specied in AutoPowerTime; DaysThe
system power ups on the days specied in AutoPowerDays.
[AutoPowerTime=hh:mm]This option species the auto power
on time, value range of hh is 0–23, while mm is 0–59.
[AutoPowerDays={Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday}]This option species the days to
power up system automatically. For example, Device=DellCmos
AutoPower=Days AutoPowerTime=2:30 AutoPowerDays=Sunday;
Friday; Saturday
ThinOS 8.5_107