Release Notes

Installing IIS creates the default directory C:\inetpub\WWWroot, which is known as the WWW root. In the WWWroot directory, create a
folder WYSE and a sub folder wnos. The directory structure must read as C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WYSE\wnos.
To upgrade the ThinOS rmware using HTTP or HTTPS server:
1 Ensure that you have downloaded the latest ThinOS rmware and latest ThinOS packages that corresponds to your thin client model.
If the rmware and packages are in the form of a compressed self-extracting (.EXE) or zipped le (.ZIP), then extract the les.
2 Place the extracted rmware les in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WYSE\wnos folder, and the packages to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WYSE
on your HTTP or HTTPS server.
3 Create a wnos.ini text le (using a text editor) in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WYSE\wnos folder with the following INI parameters:
Autoload=2 loadpkg=1 Addpkg=TCX,FR,horizon
The option Autoload=2, ensures that the thin client uses the rmware installed on the server to upgrade, only if the rmware on the
thin client is older than the version on the server. The option LoadPkg species how to update the external packages. If LoadPkg is
not in the statement, it will inherit the value of AutoLoad.
Base package and the PCoIP package are integrated into the ThinOS rmware image. Installing the latest ThinOS rmware image
automatically installs the latest version of these packages on the ThinOS client. If you set AutoLoad=1 LoadPkg=0, the rmware is
checked, but the packages are not checked. The packages check is performed after rmware check. From ThinOS 8.3, the external
packages update mechanism is changed. Some packages are default, and loaded according to value of LoadPkg. For example RTME.
Some packages need additional parameter AddPkg to add. For example, FR, Horizon, and TCX. The option AddPkg is for adding
packages. It depends on the value of LoadPkg. For more information about the INI parameter usage, see Dell Wyse ThinOS INI
Reference Guide.
4 Save the wnos.ini le.
5 On the ThinOS client desktop, navigate to System Setup > Central Conguration > General.
6 In the General tab, enter the IP address of the le server or directory. For example: https://IPaddress/wyse.
: You can also use DHCP option tags 161 and 162 to congure the ThinOS client, le server and path information.
You must create these options on your DHCP server, congure them with the correct server information, and enable the
DHCP server scope in your environment.
7 Click OK.
8 Restart the thin client and wait until the auto-installation of packages is complete.
Firmware upgrade using Wyse Management Suite
Ensure that you have created a custom group and assigned the ThinOS devices to that group in Wyse Management Suite. For more
information, see the latest Dell Wyse Management Suite Administrator's Guide.
Ensure that your ThinOS clients are registered to Wyse Management Suite. For more information, see the latest Dell Wyse ThinOS 8.5
Administrator's Guide.
To upgrade the ThinOS rmware using Wyse Management Suite:
1 Ensure that you have downloaded the latest ThinOS rmware and ThinOS packages that corresponds to your thin client model.
2 Log in to Wyse Management Suite using valid credentials.
3 On the Apps & Data page, in the OS Image Repository section, click ThinOS.
4 Click Add Firmware File.
The Add File dialog box is displayed.
5 Browse and select the downloaded rmware le. Enter an appropriate description.
6 Click Upload.
The ThinOS rmware le is uploaded, and the rmware le is listed on the Apps & Data - ThinOS OS Image Repository page.
7 Select the check box that corresponds to your ThinOS rmware le.
8 On the Groups & Congs page, select a custom group, and click Edit Policies > ThinOS.
The Select ThinOS Conguration Mode screen is displayed.
rmware 89