Setup Guide

DisableEcho — If DisableEcho=yes, the system will not reect the
ICMP echo (8) request. In this case, the unit cannot be pinged.
**LowBand={no, yes}
Default is no.
Yes/no option to enable optimization for low speed connections,
such as reducing audio quality or decreasing protocol-specic
cache size or both.
This setting in a wnos.ini le will be saved into NVRAM, if
EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini le.
[disableac3={no, yes}]
[disablempeg={no, yes}]
[disablewma1={no, yes}]
[disablewma2={no, yes}]
[disablewma3={no, yes}]
[disablemp3={no, yes}]
[disablepcm={no, yes}]
MMRCodecCongOnly for platforms with TCX Multimedia.
Species the audio to allow the disabling of the various codec
options when playing audio.
disableac3 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the ac3 codec
when playing audio.
disablempeg — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the mpeg
codec when playing audio.
disablewma1 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the wma1
codec when playing audio.
disablewma2 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the wma2
codec when playing audio.
disablewma3 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the wma3
codec when playing audio.
disablemp3 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the mp3
codec when playing audio.
disablepcm — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the pcm
codec when playing audio.
[disablempeg1={no, yes}]
[disablempeg2={no, yes}] [disablejpeg={no, yes}]
[disablewmv1={no, yes}]
[disablewmv2={no, yes}]
[disablewmv3={no, yes}]
MMRCodecCongOnly for platforms with TCX Multimedia.
Species the video to allow the disabling of the various codec
options when playing video.
disablempeg1 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the mpeg1
codec when playing video.
disablempeg2 — Default is yes. Yes/no option to disable the
mpeg2 codec when playing video.
disablejpeg — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the jpeg
codec when playing video.
disablewmv1 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the wmv1
codec when playing video.
disablewmv2 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the wmv2
codec when playing video.
disablewmv3 — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the wmv3
codec when playing video.
**NoReducer={no, yes}
Default is no — Enables compression.
Yes/no option to turn o compression. To turn o compression,
enter yes. Used here this parameter is a global statement for all
connections. It sets the default value of NoReducer.
76 Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI les