Administrator Guide

Parameter Description
TcpMaxRetransmission=<value from 2 through aproximately
Default is 5.
Congures the retransmission of a TCP connection.
[reboot={no, yes}]
User can set a string up to 15 characters as terminal name. It can be
congured as system variable like $MAC, $SN or $IP etc.
If reboot is set to yes and the terminal name is changed, the terminal will
If "TerminalName=$DNS" is set, the system will do reverse DNS lookup to
congure the terminal name.
For example, if the DNS server congures the terminal IP as reverse DNS
name, the terminal name will be congured as
[TimeFormat=24-hour format, 12-hour
[DateFormat={yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy,
[GetBiosDT={no, yes}]
TimeServer Species the SNTP time servers to use for time retrieval.
If a time server is not dened, the client CMOS/BIOS internal clock will
be used as a reference.
TimeFormatDefault is 24-hour format. Species the time format to
DateFormatDefault is yyyy/mm/dd. Species the date format to
GetBiosDT Default is no. Yes/no option to obtain time from BIOS/
CMOS when the timeserver is not available or cannot be contacted.
Example: TimeFormat=”24-hour format”
OR \
TimeFormat=”24-hour format” \
TimeZone=<zone value>
[ManualOverride={no, yes}]
[daylight={no, yes}]
[start=MMWWDD end=MMWWDD]
TimeZoneSpecies the time zone if the zone is unspecied on the
zero client or is used with ManualOverride. Supported zone values s are
listed in the System Preference dialog box on the zero client and in
TimeZone Parameter: Values.
The TimeZone parameter is dependent on the
TimeServer=parameter. If a time server is not dened, the client
CMOS/BIOS internal clock will be used as a reference.
ManualOverride — Default is no. Yes/no option to override the zero
client System Preference Menu setting with this TimeZone setting.
TimeZone settings in the xen.ini le will be saved into NVRAM if
EnableLocal=yes is set in the xen.ini le.
Daylight — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable daylight saving time;
MMWWDD is a 6 digit number to specify the start and the end of daylight
saving time.
226 Creating and Using xen.ini Files